
Omron – HEM-9210T


This device uses the standard blood pressure measurement protocol. The user can define directly on the device whether the measurements are in mmHg or in kPa.


Here you can download a sample observation made from this device:

Foracare – Diamond Mini

The user can define on the device whether the measurements are in mg/dL or in mmol/L.


Here is a sample blood glucose measurement:

Thomson – TGBF1257

The user can define on the device whether the measurements are in kg, lb or in lbs.

In order to get body fat, muscle mass, calorie or the total body water components a patient profile should be sent to Kligo prior to the measurement. These components are calculated using the age, weight and height of the patient.


Thomson – Checkme Pro

This device can be operated without a smartphone nor a tablet during the exams. But the transmission requires the use of Kligo mobile application.

In order to access the data, the device should be set to transmission mode.

Type of measurement


The CheckMe Pro offers additional information for each component. An interpretation is always present for the L1 component. This interpretation tells whether the ECG Rhythm is regular or not. If the device detects arrhythmia during the exam you can find the interpretation code directly on the specific component.

For instance if the exam records a low heart rate, the component will look like the following one:

response with interpretation
    "components": {
        /* other components */
        "heart_rate": {
            "value": 49,
            "unit": "/min",
            "interpretation" : "L"

If no interpretation is present on a component block it means that the measurement is within the thresholds defined by the device.


You can download a sample file containing the response of an ecg and oxymeter test done via the CheckMe Pro.

NuvoAir – AirNext

This device requires a smartphone or tablet in order to be operated. Using the Kligo mobile application. Once the spirometry test taken you can retrieve the graph under the flow component.

in order to get FVC_predicted, FEV1_predicted and FVC/FEV1 predicted ratio you must provide patient information.

You can find more details on this page.

Last updated